Home Inspection Louisville Kentucky KY

Home Inspection Louisville KY

Last night I was at a dinner meeting, and the guest speaker spoke on evictions.  The process is regulated by Federal Law, under the landlord tenant act.  The speaker, a skilled lawyer, with a practice limited to evictions.  We heard how in different counties, within Kentucky evictions are handled with different procedures. The attorney than stated within some counties different judges handle things with different results.  I thought of myself performing home inspection KY, and having no change of procedures regardless of which county I am in.  Most states including Kentucky have something called the standard of practice that home inspectors most follow.  I have done home inspections in several Kentucky Counties and the requirements for all of them are same.  No reference to what county I am working in while performing a home inspection and my report is the same regardless of the county.

It’s surprising that the law is the same, but the interpolation of the law varies by elected Judges.  For home inspection KY, the requirements are passing a complex test, having proper training, continuing education and paying a small renewal fee every few years.  Kentucky has a standard for home inspectors to follow and mirror a  national standard called InterNACHI.   Skilled professional should observed the same standards and produce the same results regardless of location within the same state, when the same laws exist.  Legal standards should product the same results.


Gold Home Inspection is a Louisville KY based home Inspection business owned by Marty Goldsmith, KY home inspector # 266196.  We have performed home inspections in dozens of KY counties, all following the same standard of practice.  Your home inspection KY report will be the same regardless of what Kentucky County the property is located in.